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Sortable List of all Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Poems in our Database containing the term: "In the Harbor"

Poem Title First Line Publication Name Publication Year
Auf Wiedersehen Until we meet again! That is the meaning In the Harbor 1882
Autumn Within It is autumn; not without, In the Harbor 1882
Becalmed Becalmed upon the sea of Thought, In the Harbor 1882
Bells of San Blas, The What say the Bells of San Blas In the Harbor 1882
Children's Crusade, The
(A fragment)
What is this I read in history, In the Harbor 1882
Chimes Sweet chimes! that in the loneliness of night In the Harbor 1882
City and the Sea, The The panting City cried to the Sea, In the Harbor 1882
Decoration Day Sleep, comrades, sleep and rest In the Harbor 1882
Elegiac Verse Peradventure of old, some bard in Ionian Islands, In the Harbor 1882
Four by the Clock Four by the clock! and yet not day; In the Harbor 1882
Four Lakes of Madison, The Four limpid lakes,--four Naiades In the Harbor 1882
Fragment, A Awake! arise! the hour is late! In the Harbor 1882
Fragments October 22, 1838. In the Harbor 1882
Hermes Trismegistus Still through Egypt's desert places In the Harbor 1882
Inscription on the Shanklin Fountain O traveller, stay thy weary feet; In the Harbor 1882
Loss and Gain When I compare In the Harbor 1882
Mad River TRAVELLER In the Harbor 1882
Memories Oft I remember those whom I have known In the Harbor 1882
Moonlight As a pale phantom with a lamp In the Harbor 1882
My Books Sadly as some old mediaeval knight In the Harbor 1882
Poet's Calendar, The JANUARY In the Harbor 1882
Possibilities Where are the Poets, unto whom belong In the Harbor 1882
President Garfield "E venni dal martirio a questa pace." In the Harbor 1882
Sundown The summer sun is sinking low; In the Harbor 1882
To the Avon Flow on, sweet river! like his verse In the Harbor 1882
Victor and Vanquished As one who long hath fled with panting breath In the Harbor 1882

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